Common Causes of Car Accidents in Westlake Village and How to Avoid Them

car accidents in Westlake Village

If you’re a driver in Westlake Village, you know all too well how congested the streets can get. With dozens of drivers on each road at any given time, it’s easy to become overwhelmed with distractions and make driving mistakes that could result in potentially dangerous car accidents. As drivers in this bustling city, we have a responsibility to be aware of the common causes of Westlake Village car accidents and work toward preventing them. In this blog post, we’ll give an overview of some of the most common causes of car accidents in Westlake Village so you can be better prepared while driving through the area!

Distracted Driving in Westlake Village

Distracted driving is a growing problem that endangers everyone on the roadway. To keep yourself and other people safe, avoiding using your mobile phone while driving is essential. There are multiple ways to stay alert and in control while behind the wheel: scanning ahead for potential hazards, always being alert of pedestrians and cyclists by searching your blind spots, as well as keeping vigilant attention to the road at all times. By taking these few extra steps to ensure safety, you will remain focused and alert on the road, safeguarding yourself and those around you.

Speeding is the Leading Cause of Car Accidents in Westlake Village

Speeding is an issue that needs to be taken seriously. Not only can it lead to tragic consequences, but it is also a leading cause of car accidents in Westlake Village.  To make sure you stay safe and out of trouble, there are a few practices that you should keep in mind while behind the wheel. Firstly, always allow yourself enough time to reach your destination comfortably. The temptation to speed may be large, but traveling safely is always worth it. Secondly, never drive beyond the speed limit as this can put your life at risk. Finally, make sure you leave enough space between yourself and other cars on the road.  This will give you a little cushion of time and space in the case of any last-minute maneuvers or unexpected events on the road. Following these tips can help ensure stress-free trips and safer roads for everyone!

Poorly Maintained Vehicles in Westlake Village

Taking safety on the road seriously can be as simple as preparing your vehicle before each drive. Poorly maintained vehicles create dangerous conditions for not only their drivers and passengers but other cars in their vicinity. Before you leave home for your next journey, check that your tire pressure is properly inflated and that the treads are not worn down to avoid an accident due to blowouts or slippery terrain. Change your windshield wipers when they have become visibly dry, scuffed, cracked, or torn otherwise you won’t have visibility of upcoming obstacles in the rain. Lastly, regular oil changes are important for keeping a smooth-functioning engine and protecting against wear and tear. A well-maintained car makes all the difference during an enjoyable ride with no worries of breakdowns.

Aggressive Driving in Westlake Village

Aggressive driving is becoming an increasingly dangerous problem on our roads. It’s important to remember to keep a safe distance from other drivers and use turn signals to demonstrate where we’re going so that other drivers can predict our movements. On top of this, tailgating or weaving in and out of traffic not only increases the chances of causing an accident but can also be incredibly intimidating for other drivers. Being mindful of these simple considerations, and making sure that you drive responsibly, will go a long way toward creating a safer road environment for everyone.

Nighttime Driving in Westlake Village

Nighttime driving can be a tricky experience, especially in bad weather or low light conditions. Taking extra precautions while driving at night is essential to staying safe out on the road. Always remember to turn on your headlights after sunset or during periods of low visibility and utilize high beams judiciously. It’s also important to be leery of other cars ahead of you that may not have their headlights switched on.  These drivers may not be properly conducting themselves or even aware of their surroundings. Oftentimes, people underestimate the complexity of navigating unfamiliar roads at night. Which can lead to serious consequences.  So it’s best to stay vigilant until you reach your destination safely and without incident.

Unfamiliar Roads Cause Car Accidents in Westlake Village

Taking a drive down an unfamiliar road can be intimidating.  Especially if it’s late at night. However, with a few simple steps, you can make these journeys easy and stress-free. For starters, take practice drives during daylight hours.  That way you get used to the layout of the route before driving at night. You should also become familiar with any turns or landmarks along the way.  That way you are prepared for whatever surprises may come your way during your journey. Moreover, it’s also wise to plan an alternate route in case of unexpected delays or detours. By following these simple steps, you’ll have nothing to worry about when taking on a road less traveled.

Have you Been Injured In a Car Accident – Talk To a Car Accident Attorney in Westlake Village

It’s important to recognize that whenever complex legal issues are involved, it pays to seek out professional guidance. Consulting with a qualified car accident attorney, like Vititoe Law Group,  can give you the assurance that your interests are properly represented.  Plus, having a skilled lawyer on your side can help ensure that all of the technical nuances of the law are addressed.

If you have been injured in an accident it is important that you contact a Westlake Village personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. Since there are deadlines as to when you can file a claim. Vititoe Law Group can help you obtain the maximum compensation for your injuries and damages. We have your best interest at heart and truly care about you and your recovery. We will focus on the claims while you focus on recovery.


Vititoe Law Group is a nationally recognized Law Firm, founded by James W. Vititoe, a Westlake Village Personal Injury Lawyer.

Over the past 30 years award winning attorney James W. Vititoe and his team of lawyers have been involved in cases resulting in settlements of over $1 Billion dollars.

Contact us today for a free consultation. 

By |2024-03-22T16:13:13-07:00January 8th, 2024|Car Accidents|Comments Off on Common Causes of Car Accidents in Westlake Village and How to Avoid Them

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